

studying Cyber Security interested in ⚔️ Offensive Security ⚔️

Education & Experience

  • Information, Communications and Electronic Engineering 🎓 Catholic University of Korea
  • R.O.K Navy Cyber Operations Center ⚓️ Republic of Korea Navy

Penetration Test

  • Catholic University of Korea’s Homepage penetration testing
  • NCSOFT Web Page PenTest

Member of

  • CAT-Security


  • HTTP Request Smuggling research
  • 2022 클라우드 아이디어 공모전 Team. 패트와 매트 / 4th Prize
  • 2022,2023 관광데이터 활용 공모전 Team. photoplace / 4th Prize, Team. OOTT / 3rd Prize


  • 우리은행 모의해킹 경진대회 2022 (WooriCON) Team. White-CAT / 4th Prize